Five 在线 Etiquette Tips for a Positive Virtual Classroom Experience

2023年10月11日   |   一般, 成功秘诀

Here are some big numbers: According to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than 1 in 10 postsecondary schools offer primarily online courses, 15%的大学生主要在网上上学,1 到2020年,这一数字将达到5.400万学生参加了至少一门在线课程.2

如果你是越来越多的学生中的一员, you’ve undoubtedly noticed some differences between online classrooms and in-person ones. 在网络环境中, 例如, 而不是口头回答问题, students often do so via text in a discussion board accompanying the lecture. 和, 当然, 学生们来自不同的地方, 哪一个, 同时提供极大的灵活性, also opens up the possibility for more background distractions.

由于这些差异, participating in online learning sometimes takes a little getting used to. 以下是一些有科学依据的观点3,4 tips explaining how to practice proper online classroom etiquette to foster engagement, 尊重, 有效的沟通.

  1. 表现得像你本人一样

    Since you may be logged on from a more casual setting like your kitchen or home office, and because you’re not face-to-face with your instructor and other students, it’s easy to forget that the rules of in-person interaction apply. 换句话说, things that are inappropriate in a regular classroom are probably inappropriate online too.

    例如, 如果你的手机在传统教室里响了, 你可能很快就会让它安静下来, 不要像在家里那样回答问题. 也, 在课堂上吃东西常常会遭到当面的反对, 所以尽量不要在网上这样做,因为它会分散注意力. 此外,穿着要得体. Wearing pajamas, for instance, can make it seem like you’re not taking the class seriously.

    It’s also important to always use 尊重ful language and tone. 当面交流时, 手势, 语气, 面部表情可以帮助你清晰地传达信息. 当在讨论板上发布文本时, that’s not the case and it may be easy for others to infer meaning that you didn’t intend. Choose your words carefully, and, if in doubt, use the more polite option. 没有人会因为你太好而责怪你.

    最后,就像你当面一样,使用你的真实姓名. Logging in with a casual online handle, can make it seem like you’re taking the class lightly. Or, your instructor may not recognize you to let you into the room and record your participation and attendance.

  2. 练习良好的网络礼仪

    Netiquette refers to the unwritten etiquette rules for communication in online courses, 虚拟学习小组, 或者其他网络社区. 一些指导原则包括信息要简洁, 在使用表情符号时进行判断, and not using excessive capital letters 哪一个 sometimes is considered shouting.

    In addition, avoid using offensive language or personal attacks, just like you would in person. A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t say it to someone in the room with you, 你可能不应该在网上这么说.

    同时,要注意语法和标点符号. Poor punctuation or phrasing can lead to miscommunications or unintentionally offending a classmate.

    和, 当然, be sure to follow any specific etiquette rules or preferences your instructor clues you in on as the class progresses.

  3. 准时并做好准备

    Just like you would in an in-person class, be punctual and prepared. Have plenty of desk space for note taking and have any materials you need close by. 你永远不知道你的教练什么时候会叫你!

    Keep in mind, too, that technology can cause unexpected complications. 一定要提前检查连接, 确保您拥有所有必要的登录信息, and have a back-up plan in case you accidentally get kicked offline.

    It also never hurts to have questions written down in advance. Often instructors allow time for questions before the session begins. 然后插话询问, 而不是后来, 在演讲或谈话中, 能帮助保持课程顺利进行吗.

  4. 听好了

    就像在面对面的环境中一样, online students are expected to be engaged and practice active listening. 如果可能的话,把相机开着. 一定要参与讨论, 问一些深思熟虑的问题, and respond when your instructor asks for opinions and input.

    积极倾听也意味着做笔记, 在回答问题时复述说话人的要点, 不要打断别人,以示尊重.

    On top of this, it’s important to be mindful of your nonverbal cues. 点头, 有专注的姿势, and using facial expressions to show understanding or interest indicates to the speaker that you’re engaged and encourages them to continue.

  5. 表情符号(可以是)你的朋友

    如上所述, 你应该在课堂上明智地使用表情符号, 因为他们可以澄清语气, 但也会被误解. That said, there are several emojis that can be helpful in a classroom setting. “Raise hand,” “yes,” “no,” “like,” “clap,” and “away,” are some examples. 和 当然, make sure you understand all possible interpretations of an emoji before using it.

如果你遵循上面的建议, you’ll be on your way to creating a positive learning experience in your online classrooms.

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1 表311.33. Selected statistics for degree-granting postsecondary institutions that primarily offer online programs, by control of institution and selected characteristics: Fall 2020 and 2019-20. 生均. (访问9/2023).
2 表311.15. Number and percentage of students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, 远程教育参与, 学生所在位置, 招生水平, and control and level of institution: Fall 2019 and fall 2020. 美国国家教育统计中心. (访问9/2023).
3 Oza, Preeti, Digital Etiquette in 在线 Teaching Learning (September 13, 2022). 可在SSRN: abstract=4217177或 / ssrn.4217177
4 Hammond, Tracy; Lightfoot, Robert; Ray, Samantha; Thomas, Shawna (2020). Creating and Implementing an 在线 Course Etiquette Appreciative Agreement: Recommendations and Insights For Updating Course Material and Social Expectations to Aid in the Transition to 在线 Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. http://oaktrust.图书馆

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