

科罗拉多理工大学欢迎来自各行各业的转学生——你的个人经历和独特的学术旅程有助于形成我们多元化教育社区的结构. And whether you’re currently enrolled elsewhere 和 are considering transferring colleges, or it’s been a while since you’ve been a college student, 我们知道,研究和浏览大学转学要求有时可能会让你感到有点不知所措,但我们在这里为你提供帮助. 我们的 转学生常见问题大学学分转换指南 are designed to provide useful information regarding the admissions process 转学生, 而CTU招生顾问会帮助您了解转学生的要求,并回答您可能遇到的任何其他与入学相关的问题, including how to submit official college transcripts, 如何转入大学学分,1 和 how to learn more about potential 金融援助2 转学生.

我们的 Transfer Application Process Is Easy

  1. 联系招生 请求的信息 或致电1-855-230-0555.

  2. 马上申请 免费申请.

  3. 提交所需文件. Varies by degree program, see below for requirements

Documentation Requirements by Degree Program

Doctor of 管理 | Doctor of 计算机科学


在科罗拉多理工大学, 没有坐, 没有考试, 没有GRE考试, or other st和ardized assessment is required as part of the admissions process. However, proof of high school graduation (i.e., high school diploma 和 transcripts) or high school equivalency (i.e., GED)必须在学习计划的第二季度或学期的第一天之前提交给CTU进行评估. 转学生还需要提交正式的大学成绩单,以便对以前的大学水平课程进行评估以获得转学分.1


学生必须提交正式的大学成绩单,以证明已完成认可的学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. 还必须提交正式的研究生成绩单,以便对转学生以前的研究生水平课程进行转学分评估. 硕士级别的学分转移可以由教务处和注册评估服务部门自行决定. 博士级别的学分转移可以在适当的高级学术官员的自由裁量权适用于该计划.1 Doctoral program c和i日期s must have earned a 3.0对4.0 GPA scale in their master’s program 和 must also submit a resume 和 essay.

Doctor of 管理 | Doctor of 计算机科学




看到 大学目录 欲知详情.


正式成绩单是科罗拉多理工大学直接从你的学院或大学收到的成绩单. It must have your school’s stamped seal, 日期, Registrar’s signature 和 arrive to CTU in a sealed envelope. Contact your school’s Registrar for more information.

Upon receipt of official documents 和 transcripts, 经认证的学院或大学的大学水平课程由注册评估服务专家评估是否可以转学分. Transfer credit is not awarded for courses that are remedial by definition of the transferring institution, or equivalent to remedial courses taught through CTU. Transcripts 和 records presented for evaluation become part of the student’s permanent record. 希望确定正式成绩单接收状态的学生可以联系注册办公室获取更多信息.

我们知道收到其他学院和大学要求的成绩单可能需要很长时间. Please begin the process of requesting transcripts as early as possible.

如果你在收到正式的学院或大学成绩单之前开始攻读本科巴黎人澳门赌场在哪, 你必须在第一季度结束之前完成,否则你可能被禁止继续参加你的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪, which in turn could result in a grade level change.

科罗拉多技术大学为研究生提供有条件录取的机会,等待收到他们的正式成绩单,证明他们完成了认可的硕士学位. 学生必须在第二季度或学期的第一天提供所需的文件. Extension may be granted upon approval from the Registrar’s Office. Upon receipt 和 review of the official transcript verifying completion of an accredited master's degree, students may be officially admitted to the university as a regular student. 被有条件录取的学生将收取学费和杂费,并承担就读大学的所有费用.

  • Official college 和 military transcripts are evaluated on a course-by-course basis.
  • 只能选C或2分的课程.0 or better GPA (undergraduate), or "B" grade or 3.0 or better GPA (graduate/doctoral) will be eligible for transfer credit. No transfer credit will be awarded for courses that were failed, 撤销, or have not met the transfer credit criteria.
  • Only college level 和 post-secondary degree applicable courses will be eligible for transfer credit. Continuing Education Units are not accepted at CTU as transfer credit, however they may be accepted as Professional Training/Certification credit. A Registrar Evaluation Services Specialist can tell you more.
  • Duplication of course transfer is not permitted in any degree program.
  • 转学分不得用于具有项目认证或隶属关系的项目中的特定课程.


  • A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours for an undergraduate degree program at CTU.
  • A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credits hours for a Master’s degree program at CTU. Check with the CTU 研究生 Programs for residency requirements.
  • A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours for a Doctoral degree program at CTU. All core 和 concentration courses may be transferred, but all re搜索 和 writing courses must be completed at CTU. Check with the CTU 研究生 Programs for exceptions.
  • 根据已建立的衔接协议转到CTU的学生最多可以转到副学士或学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪所需课程学分的75%.


转学生可以通过利用CTU的其他学分项目来节省更多的时间和金钱,这些项目提供了获得大学生活和工作经验学分的机会. CTU快速通道 考试,* 体验式学习组合 (elp), 军事经验, 工作经验, 其他相关的生活经历可能会使你有资格获得所选巴黎人澳门赌场在哪的学分——除了你可以从其他认可的高等教育机构转到的大学学分之外.1


除了节省费用外,学生转学还可以通过上面列出的符合条件的工作和生活经验来实现, 科罗拉多理工大学 offers various institutional grants 和 scholarships.(2) We recommend reaching out to one of our 金融援助 Advisors—but first, check out CTU’s 金融援助 页面, 哪个可以提供更多关于这些和其他经济援助来源的细节,并为你提供方便的资源, such as the 净价计算器 和 学费 & 毕业日期计算器.

1 Transfer credit is evaluated on an individual basis. Not all credits are eligible to transfer. 看到 大学目录 for transfer credit policies.
2 Financial aid is available for those who qualify. 大学助学金或奖学金基于大学目录中公布的既定标准,并在确认符合资格条件后颁发.

*减少在校时间和/或减少学费的能力取决于CTU快速通道的数量 顺利通过考试. Fast Track program credits are non-transferable. Not all programs are eligible for possible 30% reduction in time 和 money. Courses eligible are subject to change. 学生 should not rely on potential Fast Track savings or eligibility when making an enrollment decision.